Quotes From "The Second Plane: 14 Responses To September 11" By Martin Amis

Love is an abstract noun, something nebulous. And yet love...
Love is an abstract noun, something nebulous. And yet love turns out to be the only part of us that is solid, as the world turns upside down and the screen goes black. Martin Amis
It is straightforward–and never mind, for now, about plagues and famines: if God existed, and if he cared for humankind, he would never have given us religion. Martin Amis
Religious belief is without reason and without dignity, and its...
Religious belief is without reason and without dignity, and its record is near-universally dreadful. Martin Amis
Belief is otiose reality is sufficiently awesome as it stands.
Belief is otiose reality is sufficiently awesome as it stands. Martin Amis
It’s possible to be flippant here, when Jihadists fly aircraft into buildings they shout God is Great, what do atheists shout when they do it? Martin Amis